Saarni Studio
Music Production for Individuals since 2016
Most Recent Finished projects
Includes snippets of the following songs:
Firehill Wanderers: Camel Tears
Wäinön Lähteet: Alppikadun Joulu
FYA: Sick
Drug of Choice: Harmaa
IOHN: Den Som Segrar
Morning Mistake: Smoking Gun
The Paladin: Dark Academia
Hope is A Lie: Suits
Autius: Dying Eden
Sulfuris: Renewal
Church of the Dead: Christborn
Spirewell: Reflections (Through the Shadow's Waking Eyes)
Middle Age
Projects Finished a few years ago
Includes snippets of the following songs:
Klisee: Ristiriita
Planes: Withdrawn
Gangland: Suddenly
Daizy Pinehill Band: Thunder and Lightning
Morning MIstake: Scars
Likaiset Pikkarit: Kulmatiskillä
Firehill Wanderers: Saturday Night
Ciminero: Torment
Flush: Kings & Queens
Firehill Wanderers: 731
Soul Incursion: Intracranial Form
Saatanan Marionetit: Satan Went to Sauna
Unredeemer: Underdog
Church of the Dead: Something Came out of the Woods
Talethrone: Seadragons At Dawn
Spirewell: Silence Painter
Astral Sleep: Aurinko ja Kuu
Bronze Age
Projects Finished more than 5 years ago
Includes snippets of the following songs:
Vintage OD Rock Band: I'll Be There
Multiply: Daydreamer
Ivar Kuura: Lady Shrike
Kolme Sanaa: Mä Haluun
Kolme Sanaa: Näitä Teitä
Klisee: Nautin
Kolme Sanaa: Ei Tänään
Response: Shell
Multiply: Demon of Depression
Grave Siesta: Vacant Throne
Thorn: Heaven Burnt Down
Chaotic Sanity: Exitus
Chaotic Sanity: Contriction
Stone Age
Very, Very old projects
Includes snippets of the following songs:
Klisee: Onnenonkija
Free Electric Blues Band: I'm Talking About You
Solid Waste: The One
Suvereeni Mies: Roudin
Normistake: One Step Closer
Earthgrave: Torn from The Void
Satan's Fall: Metal of Satan
Satan's Fall: Poisonhead
Kausalgia: Dreamquest
Seer of Ages: Suncrown
Night of Suicide: Broken
Weedburner: Boris the Spider
Saun O))): Löyll