Saarni Music logo a huge mythic artistic tree

Saarni Studio

Music Production for Individuals since 2016

Sound samples of our productions in various forms and styles

Most Recent Finished projects

Includes snippets of the following songs:
Firehill Wanderers: Camel Tears
Wäinön Lähteet: Alppikadun Joulu
FYA: Sick
Drug of Choice: Harmaa
IOHN: Den Som Segrar
Morning Mistake: Smoking Gun
The Paladin: Dark Academia
Hope is A Lie: Suits
Autius: Dying Eden
Sulfuris: Renewal
Church of the Dead: Christborn
Spirewell: Reflections (Through the Shadow's Waking Eyes)

Middle Age
Projects Finished a few years ago

Includes snippets of the following songs:
Klisee: Ristiriita
Planes: Withdrawn
Gangland: Suddenly
Daizy Pinehill Band: Thunder and Lightning
Morning MIstake: Scars
Likaiset Pikkarit: Kulmatiskillä
Firehill Wanderers: Saturday Night
Ciminero: Torment
Flush: Kings & Queens
Firehill Wanderers: 731
Soul Incursion: Intracranial Form
Saatanan Marionetit: Satan Went to Sauna
Unredeemer: Underdog
Church of the Dead: Something Came out of the Woods
Talethrone: Seadragons At Dawn
Spirewell: Silence Painter
Astral Sleep: Aurinko ja Kuu

Bronze Age
Projects Finished more than 5 years ago

Includes snippets of the following songs:
Vintage OD Rock Band: I'll Be There
Multiply: Daydreamer
Ivar Kuura: Lady Shrike
Kolme Sanaa: Mä Haluun
Kolme Sanaa: Näitä Teitä
Klisee: Nautin
Kolme Sanaa: Ei Tänään
Response: Shell
Multiply: Demon of Depression
Grave Siesta: Vacant Throne
Thorn: Heaven Burnt Down
Chaotic Sanity: Exitus
Chaotic Sanity: Contriction

Stone Age
Very, Very old projects

Includes snippets of the following songs:
Klisee: Onnenonkija
Free Electric Blues Band: I'm Talking About You
Solid Waste: The One
Suvereeni Mies: Roudin
Normistake: One Step Closer
Earthgrave: Torn from The Void
Satan's Fall: Metal of Satan
Satan's Fall: Poisonhead
Kausalgia: Dreamquest
Seer of Ages: Suncrown
Night of Suicide: Broken
Weedburner: Boris the Spider
Saun O))): Löyll

A full playlist of all productions released to streaming services available at Tidal:

Tidal playlist